Iris Flores

For Iris, the Greek goddess is the messenger of love, the flower as the symbol of communication and messages. Because of this, in the language of flowers iris symbolizes class and power.

Means that the iris also varies depending on the color of the flower. Iris gifts can be used to convey many emotions. Purple Iris transmits knowledge and praise. Blue Iris sends religion and hope. Yellow Iris Iris expresses the warmth and white means purity.

This plant has beautiful gardens iris in a wide range of colors, blue and purple, white and yellow, pink and orange, brown and red and even black.

We will find around 200 species in the genus Iris and comes from the northern region of the temperature in the world. Aside from color, Iris is also the variety of habitats. Some species of iris may change in the desert, some in swamps, others in cool temperatures and the temperature in many climates. Two of the most beloved iris are grown bearded Iris and Siberian Iris.

Interesting information

- Iris varies depending on the type, shape, color and size. Its leaves are tastiest when the plant is not only in flower.

- The Iris took his identification from the Greek goddess who used to travel across the rainbow and was also thought to be the messenger of love. Iris, were named after the goddess because of all the colors available, it is in.

- One of the best known and loved among the plants court. Iris is a hardy herbaceous perennial.

- The thought of the flower as the Sphinx.

- Was also known by Pliny and praised its medicinal properties.

- The Muslims favorite flower was the Iris have also been launched in Spain after the conquest in the eighth century.

Growing Iris

Fertilizer is a powerful thing to improve soil conditions, even at the early planting iris. Be sure to use the compost, peat, rotted manure, or effectively, expand the natural thing.

- Select the exact spot where you will be able to develop the iris. It will help a lot if it is a wooded area with excellent drainage and partial shade.

- The roots or rhizomes of Iris are easily apart and replanted.

- The rhizomes are planted near the surface of the roots below.

- Divide rhizomes bouquets aand single plant, to ensure that sufficient space is based on the desired effect.

- If the soil is heavy, then some of the drainage materials such as gravel and broken pottery should be placed in a hole.

- Some of the seeds can also be beardless iris.

Care Of Cut Flowers After Receiving A Gift


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